What is a Medical-Grade HEPA filter?


HEPA filters known as High-Efficiency Particulate Arrestance filters were originally developed to filter fine radioactive particles. A HEPA filter will filter with a minimum efficiency 99.95% of particles at 0.3 microns and 95% of particles at 0.1 microns. With 1 micron measuring just 1/10,000 of a centimetre and the smallest particle visible to the naked eye being 40 microns. 0.3 microns is many times smaller than dust mites, mould spores, pet allergens and pollens. HEPA filters are widely used in medical applications including: cleanrooms, pharmaceutical manufacturing and any environment where clean or sterile conditions are required. 

Medical grade HEPA filters are made from highly efficient filter paper. The paper is folded in a concertina configuration to maximise the surface area of the filter and allow air to flow through with minimal resistance. There is a certain ratio of filter paper to airflow volume which must be followed in the construction of the filter to achieve the 99.95% efficiency rating. If there is not enough filter paper, efficiency will not be to HEPA standards. 

